Jaguar Improved Tall Fescue Grass

$ 2.95 per pound

14 days

Jaguar Improved Tall Fescue Grass is a very deep rooting grass that holds up well under drought conditions. The blades of this grass are medium to dark green in color. When the seeds of Jaguar Improved Tall Fescue are sewn closely together, the grass looks very similar to Kentucky Blue Grass. Jaguar Improved Tall Fescue will grow well in areas with up to 50% shade. Eight to ten pounds of Jaguar Improved Tall Fescue Grass Seed covers approximately 1,000 square feet.

A Tip from Mitchell and Sons:

Newly planted grass seed needs plenty of moisture and nutrients to grow into a full and healthy lawn.
Treat your new grass seed with Ferti-lome® New Lawn Starter and Ferti-lome® Hydro Stretch to get
that healthy, vibrant lawn you desire.

For more information on starting new lawns and other handy growing tips, check out our page on
Gardening Tips.

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